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Timesavers 81 series with reciprocating table for precision grinding

Timesavers wide belt grinding: finishing and calibrating

The 81 series is the Timesavers innovative solution for precision metal grinding.

81 series

Utilizing wide grinding belts with precise tolerances, this machine is designed for the precision grinding of various materials, including titanium, molybdenum, stainless steel, aluminum/nickel alloys, carbon steel, and more. The machine achieves a precision of no less than 0.02 mm in grinding these metals. We provide three different executions to choose from: with a roller table, conveyor belt, or vacuum table.

81 series 1600 WW with rollertable

Milling or stone grinding

Wide belt precision grinding is a method employed for meticulous metal finishing and polishing, resulting in smoother, finer, and more refined surfaces. This approach is favored in applications demanding high-quality, precise components.

Belt grinding stands out as an efficient option due to its high surface quality, reduced energy and tooling costs, and tight tolerance. Rapid tooling changes facilitate a seamless transition between high stock removal and fine finishing. Working across the entire width of the material in a cold process environment minimizes material tension.

Accuracy of +/- 0,02 mm

The use of long and wide plate material, particularly in the aerospace sector brings with it its own set of issues, namely the consistency of the flatness and thickness of the material. While it is possible to grind these sheets using stone abrasives or to mill them, to bring them within specification; wide belt abrasives add a new dimension to the process.

81 series 1600 WW centering table
81 series RT (2)
81 series RT contact roller

Turnkey project

In addition to grinding machines, handling and measuring equipment can be added to make your process even more accurate and easier to operate.

81 series with rollertable

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71 series bottom and top machines, wet and dry

Timesavers grinding: finishing and calibrating

The 71-72 series for a special finish on sheet material or coils.

71-72 series

The 71-72 series are made for finishing of sheets or coils. The machine has a production speed of up to 30m/min and delivers a perfectly finished end result. The 71-72 series has been developed to perform: day-in day-out, year-in and year-out.

Coil to coil, sheet to sheet

Timesavers prioritizes high quality and presents robust and cost-effective machines, exemplified by the 71 and 72 series. Specifically designed for surface finishing of hot and cold rolled sheets, these machines offer options for dry or wet finishing, suitable for both coil-to-coil and sheet-to-sheet applications. Depending on the chosen dry or wet grinding method, a corresponding dust extraction or coolant flow is essential.

The entire process is easily managed through the HMI panel, allowing for the storage of specific working settings in the program. Emphasizing user-friendly operation, Timesavers ensures that abrasive belts on our machines can be effortlessly replaced with different grits, yielding alternative finishes.

71-72 series

Difference 71-72 series

The 71 series operates as a wet working machine, enhancing the efficiency of the grinding belt cutting process and yielding a shinier finish.

On the other hand, the 72 series functions as a dry working machine, producing a more subdued or dull finish.

71 series WW bottom

Turnkey project

Apart from incorporating top working machines, bottom working machines can also be seamlessly integrated into the production line. These machines serve the purpose of stress release and/or double-sided finishing, making them suitable for the finishing of both cold and hot rolled sheets.

71-72 series, top and bottom working machines, coils and sheets, wet and dry working machines

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